
Tue Dec 12 2023

Hello, world!

My name is Robert and I am a software engineer with approximately 3 years of experience, most of which have been as a fullstack web application developer.

This is my first blog post, and I am very happy to say that I am hoping to start a new chapter in my journey as a developer by becoming more actively involved online and sharing what knowledge I’ve gained so far.

Why now?

In the first years of my career, as I was getting comfortable and establishing some basic foundations of knowledge around web development, security and other topics that came to my attention, I chose to stick to small projects (besides those at work) so that I can gain knowledge quickly, with those projects never intended for anyone other than me.

Now that I have become more confident and have gained some practical knowledge, I want to dive deeper and use my free time to develop more meaningful projects, and hold myself accountable by sharing my progress on a more consistent basis to a wider audience.

What to expect?

The first initiative I am taking on is to publish a development log for a side project I started working on to learn Next.js 13.

On the backend side, my framework of choice at the moment is NestJS. (check them out, their site has a lot of cat pics 🐈).

I will cover some cool use cases and hopefully start a development log for a more backend-oriented project sometime into 2024.

For now, I will be using Linkedin as the main medium to share content from this blog.

Talk to you soon 👀.